the end
When we getting ready for camp i was quite nervous cause there was a lot of people. There was a double decker bus and a normal bus. I wanted to go to the double decker bus cause i wanted to sit in the top but the double decker was full. I had to go to the normal bus but only our class was in the bus. I was quite happy cause we got to have our own privacy.It was not that loud but it was very hot and long. When we finally got to the camp place teachers and parents showed us the girls sleeping area our bags were everywhere. I was worried cause i couldn’t find my bag. Finally i found my bag it looked quite different. When we went to the boys cabin our beds were quite cool and big. One thing that i didn’t like about the cabin was that there was no light cause our light was pulled of. The things that i liked about our cabin was that the beds were soft and it felt very relaxing. There was a lot of space and the top bed felt like it was as tall as a mountain. A lot of peoples kept knocking our doors and running away, it was so annoying. I was sleeping with Kody,Chris,Richard and Abdula. The first activity i did was balancing or parkour i didn’t like it cause there was sheep poo everywhere.After we ate lunch which had peas,chips and a sausage it was delicious. After that we did archery I learned how to use a bow but i kept missing. I didn’t like it cause there was sheep poo everywhere.after that we ate dinner which was nachos with sour cream,meat and vegetables.After that we watched a funny story and peoples talents. After that we had to go to sleep i kept talking and moving around after that everyone fell asleep except me cause they told me to wake them up. I fell asleep in 12pm and woke up in 4pm cause i fell of my bed. I kept waiting and flashing my torch around until it was 7am. I woke everyone up by whispering very loud. I wasn’t even sleepy but i was very cold i kept jumping down from the top bed until it was room inspection time we got nine out of ten cause Kody was so annoying and just made our room messier. We went to have breakfast the breakfast was just like normal breakfast. There was toast,porridge and cereal and there was jam,honey,marmite and butter.I chose toast with jam and porridge, i finished the toast but i didn’t finish the porridge cause i didn’t really like it. After breakfast we went to trolleys (go karts) there was sheep poo everywhere even on the trolleys seat.I didn’t do it cause it was so dirty i watched people ride and ride around.My friend Luca almost crashed me cause i was near the road. Some people tried the top and road down they looked quite slow but for them it was actually very fast. They rode on a lot of sheep poo they even flinged them when the past them some sheep fell on their hands and face. It was very gross,after that we went to have lunch (forgot what was for lunch). I had to wear my swimming togs cause i was going to a swimming activity.When we went to the activity it sheep poop everywhere again.The activity was called raft building the parent that was teaching us said you can build a raft or just use the a raft. I chose to use a raft cause i was too lazy to build a raft. It was quite scary some kayaking peoples keep crashing to our raft, one even got squished by two rafts. Then my friend Luca fell down and said it was warm cause he had a wet suit.I jumped in the water too, it felt very gross and cold. It felt gross cause the bottom felt all mushy and slimy i think it was just mud or algae. After when i got out i was freezing so i went back to my cabin and quickly changed to my dry clothes. Then my cabin partner Kody came in he was freezing too,then another of my sleeping partner came Chris! Chris let Kody use his towel cause he was doing the land activities. Soon all my cabin partners came. We had to do another room inspection we got the same score cause one little piece of rubbish made us fail. After was dinner, for dinner we had rice,chicken and vegetables. It was a silent dinner so we used papers and wrote on it to talk. After dinner we went to watch a movie of sing we didn’t finish it cause the time was 8pm. After that we went to bed we kept talking and laughing after that we fell asleep. I woke up at 5am i waited till 7am and waked everyone up, everyone was very sleepy so i had to flash my torch at them. After we went to have breakfast, breakfast was the same after we sat outside and had some cookies and some snacks. Then R25,R24 and R23 came i couldn’t see my brother coming. After we had a bushwalk, i didn’t like it cause it stinked and there was a narrow bridge which took me forever to get to it. When we came back we had lunch for lunch was pepperoni and cheese then after when we came back a bus was waiting for us. When i went in the bus i fell asleep for a short time and the bus kept going when we came back to school there was a lot of parents waiting. I took my bag out and played in the playground then i saw my dad but i didn’t realise my mum was right next to me. We went home...
hi mr ivan